Made in USA Certified® program

MADE IN USA ONE LLC is a veteran-owned business and a Commercial and Government Entity specified (CAGE Code: 8JSY1), and a System for Award Management (SAM) registered company I'm proud to showcase our Made in USA Certified® program.

We've been the gold standard in verifying the authenticity of US-made products. Our ethos "TRUST but CERTIFY™" drives us to ensure the integrity of your "Made in USA" claims. Established in 2001, our program focuses on authenticating products manufactured in the United States, distinct from those "Made in America" which is covered under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) for Canada and Mexico, and the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) which includes Central and South America.

Our commitment to accurate representation is exemplified in our "TRUST but CERTIFY™" ethos and "STOP LYING™" initiative, aligning with the views of former FTC Director Jessica Rich on the importance of verified certifications.

The significance of verified certification cannot be overstated. Former FTC Director of Consumer Protection, Jessica Rich, highlighted this when she said, “When marketers provide seals without any verification... consumers are deceived and the value of all marketers’ seals is diminished." This underscores the importance of our certification in building consumer trust and maintaining the credibility of your brand.

Let's collaborate to elevate your brand's reputation with our certification. Please contact us to schedule a discussion.


Adam Reiser